Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954) Sunday 24 May 1903
The name most conspicuously associated with the Macedonian movement is that of Boris Sarafoff Nothing of a desperate nature happened in the Balkans but it is at once attributed to him. One has only to glance at the recently-published Blue and Yellow Books to appreciate the importance of his personality. His every movement is chronicled in dispatches to every European Chancellery, and when -his whereabouts are -as they frequently are-obscure, the question, "Where is Sarafoff f is feverishly telegraphed from half-a-dozen European capitals to Constantinople, Sofia, Belgrade, Salonika, and back again. Sarafoff embodies the idea of Macedonia for the Macedonians. He is a conspirator and a rebel of the classic type, absolutely without scruple, and fond of veiling his proceedings in lurid mystery. He is, in snorts an extremist;. A Macedonian by birth, he was sent at an early age to Bulgaria,
and there received his education. He entered the Bulgarian public service, but soon renounced it in order to conspire for the rescue of his fellow country men from the yoke of the Turk. At first he participated in the idea of the "Great Bulgaria" which was sought to be restored by the Treaty of San Stefano, and he preached the gospel of the annexation of Macedonia. About two years ago, however, he changed his mind and came forward as an advocate of a new autonomous Balkan State, as independent, at least, as Bulgaria itself. For this purpose he proposed to work with Servia as well as Bulgaria. From this moment his autocratic career became seriously hampered. He incurred the enmity; of the Bulgarian Government, and in April 1901, was arrested, together with several of his intransigeant colleagues, on a charge of murder. In due course he was tried and acquitted amid popular rejoicings; but on emerging from prison he discovered that the Bulgarian Government had made use of its opportunity to depose him from the leadership of the Macedonian movement. The central Macedonian Committee sad been captured by the Bulgarophil party, and a new president had been installed, with a programme which aimed not at "Macedonia for the Macedonians,'' but at the creation of a new Eastern Roumelia in Macedonia under conditions which would pave the way for annexation to Bulgaria. Sarafoff tried to carry matters with a high hand, but failed. After flying visits to Macedonia, Eastern Roumelia and Servia, he returned, in August, 1902, to Sofia to fight the Macedonian Committee again in the Congress, which was about to meet. Once more he was defeated. Thereupon he definitely seceded from the Moderate Party and formed a new organization to carry on his propaganda in Macedonia. With this organization he is now at work, and all his news we receive of an impending rebellion in the spring are echoes of his operations; He is resolved to defeat the scheme of reforms set on foot by the Powers, and there is evidence to show that he is obtaining considerable support. This is due to the fact that while neither Bulgaria nor Servia desires to see an independent Macedonia. They would both be exceedingly disappointed if the country were to be pacified by a rereformed administration, and thus bond more tightly than ever to Turkey. Hence Sarafoff's star is again in the ascendant. - "Graphic"
Избран превод:
"...Сарафов ја отелотворува идејата Македонија на Македонците.... Отпрвин тој ја заговараше идејата за "Голема Бугарија", во границите од Договорот од Сан Стефано и го проповедаше Евангелието на анексија на Македонија од Бугарија. Пред околу две години, сепак, тој си го промени мислењето и истапи како застапник на нова автономна балканска држава, независна, барем онолку колку што е Бугарија...Македонскиот Централниот комитет сега беше заробен од страна на бугарофилска партија, и нов претседател беше инсталиран, со програма која не целеше Македонија на Македонците, туку создавањето на нова Источна Румелија во Македонија, под услови кои ќе го отворат патот за присоединување кон Бугарија..."
The name most conspicuously associated with the Macedonian movement is that of Boris Sarafoff Nothing of a desperate nature happened in the Balkans but it is at once attributed to him. One has only to glance at the recently-published Blue and Yellow Books to appreciate the importance of his personality. His every movement is chronicled in dispatches to every European Chancellery, and when -his whereabouts are -as they frequently are-obscure, the question, "Where is Sarafoff f is feverishly telegraphed from half-a-dozen European capitals to Constantinople, Sofia, Belgrade, Salonika, and back again. Sarafoff embodies the idea of Macedonia for the Macedonians. He is a conspirator and a rebel of the classic type, absolutely without scruple, and fond of veiling his proceedings in lurid mystery. He is, in snorts an extremist;. A Macedonian by birth, he was sent at an early age to Bulgaria,
Избран превод:
"...Сарафов ја отелотворува идејата Македонија на Македонците.... Отпрвин тој ја заговараше идејата за "Голема Бугарија", во границите од Договорот од Сан Стефано и го проповедаше Евангелието на анексија на Македонија од Бугарија. Пред околу две години, сепак, тој си го промени мислењето и истапи како застапник на нова автономна балканска држава, независна, барем онолку колку што е Бугарија...Македонскиот Централниот комитет сега беше заробен од страна на бугарофилска партија, и нов претседател беше инсталиран, со програма која не целеше Македонија на Македонците, туку создавањето на нова Источна Румелија во Македонија, под услови кои ќе го отворат патот за присоединување кон Бугарија..."
Абе какви се тие жолти зборови во весникот: D Малку е фалсификат а? Да извлечеме ли оригиналот да видиме што пишува на местото на овие зборови?
Слободно покажи го оригиналот и ќе видиш дека маркираните со жолто зборови во наводниот „фалсификат“ се идентични со оние во оригиналот.
Всушност и ова е оригинал, баш како што било објавено, со таа разлика што деловите каде што се спомнува „Macedonian“, „Macedonians“... се обележани со жолт маркер.
Слободно покажи го оригиналот... Ако ти стиска.
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