February 4, 2013

The Trouble In the Balkans

The Trouble In the Balkans.

Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 4452, 27 May 1903, Page 2

Twenty-five to one.

Peace emissaries released.

CONSTANTINOPLE, May 25. — Five hundred Turkish troops surrounded a band of 20 robels, led by Soetkoff, near the town of Monastir, after two days fighting Soetkoff and 12 others were killed, and the rest escaped.

SOFIA, May 25. — Since the appointment of Petroff's Cabinet Bulgaria's relations with Turkey have improved. A Bulgarian note has been forwarded to the Powers asking them to sanction a separate Bulgarian agreement with Turkey with a view to the pacification of Macedonia.

CONSTANTINOPLE, May 26. — The members of the Sultan's peace mission recently seized by the Albanians, have now been released.

Deltcheff, creator of the Macedonian revolutionary organisation, has been killed in a skirmish at Fanittsa. His death will be likely to paralyse the movement.

Гоце Делчев - цитати

Гоце Делчев - биографија

Delchev's death in NY Times

Гоце Делчев - видео

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