Antique Art Nouveau 1903 original large colour lithography propaganda commemorative poster of the secret Macedonian Odrian Revolutionary Committee-IMRO painted by the important artist Haralampi Tacheff. The poster was made in 1903. It
is a unique piece of art because it was made not only by Haralampi Tacheff himself but the portraits were painted by the famous at the time rebel and portrayer - Ivan Nicoloff. The poster is extremely rare and is depicting the most significant rebels at the time - G. Deltcheff, P. Sokoloff, S. Merdjanoff, T.K. Davidoff and M. Apostoloff united by the logo which reads "Братство, Свобода, Равенство"(Brotherhood, Freedom and Equality).
Under each of the portraits are written the date and the place where they were killed. The poster is signed by both artists, it is also signed and marked by the publisher and the publishing studio in Prague. On it is quoted a popular revolutionary verse "Тоз, който падне в бой за свобода, той не умира, него живее" (The one killed in the sake of Liberty never dies) and in Latin.
There are also lithography artworks of a lion that represents the Independence and a girl symbolizing Macedonia. Under the lion stay the dates (1885, 1895, 1903) of the significant Macedonian rebellions during which a lot of Macedonian brave rebels were mercilessly killed.

Under each of the portraits are written the date and the place where they were killed. The poster is signed by both artists, it is also signed and marked by the publisher and the publishing studio in Prague. On it is quoted a popular revolutionary verse "Тоз, който падне в бой за свобода, той не умира, него живее" (The one killed in the sake of Liberty never dies) and in Latin.
There are also lithography artworks of a lion that represents the Independence and a girl symbolizing Macedonia. Under the lion stay the dates (1885, 1895, 1903) of the significant Macedonian rebellions during which a lot of Macedonian brave rebels were mercilessly killed.
1 comment:
П. Соколов, роден в 1870 година в Кюстендил,Слави Мерджанов е роден на 16 юли 1876 година в Карнобат,Тома Давидов е роден в град Ловеч на 20 април 1868 г.,Михаил Апостолов е роден в село Горна Диканя, Радомирско в 1871 г.,Георги (Гоце) Николов Делчев e роден в Кукуш през 1872 година. "Тоз, който падне в бой за свобода, той не умира,-Христо Ботев!!!!!!Всичките българи до един!!!!!!
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