October 9, 2011

Miss Stone's Abduction


Charges In Connection with It Made in the Macedonian Congress.

LONDON times-NEW YORK TIMES Special Cablegram.

LONDON, Aug. 20.—The Vienna correspondent of The Times says that the recent Macedonian Congress discussed the alleged unauthorized expenditure of 250,000f. by Sarafof, who said his defense in the trial of Prof. Mikhaile-Anu ccst 100,000f., and that 25,000f. had been expended in the establishment of a committee in Constantinople.

The Zontcheff party denied that such a j committee existed. The leader of the Zontcheff party produced a cipher letter alleged to prove that an intimate friend I of Sarafof originated the scheme to abduct Miss Stone, and that through the successful carrying out of the plan he came into the possession of a large sum. The Congress took no action on the matter.

August 20,1902 The New York Times

Boris Sarafov in newspapers

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