The Lies of Bulgarism 1
The Lies of Bulgarism in Macedonian
Bulgarians were developed European nation
"The begining of the bulgarian history we should search in the history of the middle-asian turkish people, which are known as Huns." (Vasil N. Zlatarski "History of the first bulgarian empire" I epoch, The epoch of the Huns-Bulgarian supremacy (679—852), c 56) .
"We should search for the origin of the Bulgarian tribes in the Mongolian stepes, just like all Turkish-Bulgarian nations. They belong to the Turkish group Altais, and their language is Turkish-Altaian. The Bulgarians from Asia came to Europe in the 2 century BC and they settle between Caspian and Black Sea. For the first time on the Balkans, Bulgarians have been spotted in the 502 year A.D, when they founded Thrace [THE BULGARIANS, Extract from the book "Bulgaria Illustrated History", Bojidar Dimitrov, PhD., Author, Published by BORIANA Publishing House, Sofia,Bulgaria].
Around the valey of the southern part of river Volga even today live some Bulgarian ethnic groups like the Bulgarian-Tatars, Chuvashs, and AlMarinces. The origin of the Balkan Bulgarians is from Volga, from the famous Volga’s Bulgaria, till the 1919 year called Bolgaristan, present day Tataristan. The Bolgarians by nationality declare as Bulgarians-Tatars [Boryngy..., 1963, 17-51], [Vorobev N.I., 1948, 80; Kozlova K.I., 1964, 20-21], [Boryngy..., 1963, 17-51], and they have their own Bulgarian language, that belongs to the group of Thurk languages [Kashgari Makhmud, 1960, 66-68; Kononov A.N., 1972, 14].
There is no dilemma, the real Bulgarians who the Bulgarian history known as proto-Bulgarians, were Turkish Asian-Mongolian tribe, with their Turkish language (History of the Bulgarian State, v. l, part 1, Sofia, 1938, pp. 332 337, by Prof. V. N. Zlatarski); the official Bulgarian history confirms that, as well as the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for which the real Bulgarians are Turkish tribe with Turkish language (История на България. Т. II. С., 1981, с.60.). The Turkish anthropological type and the Turkish language of the Bulgarians are not set under doubt; there are indisputable evidences about the Turkish character of the old Bulgarian language, which can be found on the writings by the real Bulgarians, such as the Notebook of the Bulgarian rulers, by the writings from Byzantine sources, but also from the Bulgarian stone writings from the Middle Ages which are on Turkish language (page 23-33 Studia protobulgarica mediaevalia europensia. in honour of Prof. Veselin Besheliev, Veliko Tarnovo, 1992).

Bulgarian warlord Mostrich - 9 century
The material culture of the first Bulgarian empire (till 971 year) is purely Turkish, with elements present in all other cultures from the Turkish khaganat: twelve year animal calendar, cult of Tangra, etc. (Бешевлиев, В. Първобългарите. Бит и култура. С., 1981; Р а ш е в, Р. Дунавска България и Централна Азия. - Втори международен конгрес по българистика. Доклади. Т.6. С., 1987, с. 205-210). Imagine, in the group of Turkish people Bulgarians include Tsar Samuel!
Judging from the archeological remains, the Bulgarians on the Balkan Peninsula have settled only in north-east Bulgaria and Norht Dobrudza. The Bulgarians from present day Bulgaria and Volga during the Middle Ages, have fully deformed scull. They done that on themselves arteficialy with special man made device. The dead are berried on specific way, oriented north-south, burning the bodies of the dead ones with fire (clearing), lying with crossed legs (Turkish way of sitting). Identical with the characteristic Bulgarian rituals of barring and deformed sculls are founded in the valey if lower Volga, with that we can conclude that the real Bulgarians were Turkish group of people, the same who inhabits today Tataristan and Chuvashia. Anthropologicly, the Bulgarians from Volga's valley and north-east Bulgaria and north Dobrudza were Mongolian group of people, such as today’s inheritors of the real Bulgarians-Bolgarostans, Tataristans, and Chuvashs [В. М и к о в. Последни могилни находки. — В: Мадара, I,1934, 429-438; Ст. С т а н ч е в, С т. И в а н е в. Некрополът до Нови пазар. С., 1958; Ж. В ъ ж а р о в а. Славяни и прабългари (по данни от некрополите.VI—XI в. на територията на България). С., 1976, 86-140, 141, 167, 169, 172: Ж. В ъ ж а р о в а. Двуобреден езически некропол край с. Бдинци, Толбухински окръг. — ИНМВ, 1981, XVII (XXXII), 77-109; Вл. З и р р а. Двуобрядный могильник раннефеодальной эпохи в Капул Вийлор — История. — Dacia, VII, 1967, 355-412; G. S i m i o n. Necropola feudal — timpurie de la Nalbant (Judetul Tulcea). — PEUCE, II, 1971, 221-248; Д. Ил. Д и м и т р о в. Новооткрит български некропол при Девня (предварително съобщение). — ИНМВ, VII (XXII), 1971, 57-76; Д. Ил. Д и м и т р о в. Раннобългарски некропол № 3 при гр. Девня. - ИНМВ, VIII (ХХIII), 1972, 45-67; Д. Ил. Д и м и т р о в. Двуобреден раннобългарски некропол при Варна. — В: Сб. Преслав, II, С., 1976, 107-125; Д. С т а н ч е в. Ранносредновековен некропол до гара Табачка. - ГМСБ, Х, 1984, 33-42; Д. С т а н ч е в. Ранносредновековен некропол до с. Батин, Русенски окръг. — ГМСБ, XI, 1985,45—54; Д. С т а н ч е в. Прабългарски компоненти в погребалния обряд и инвентара на ранносредновековните некрополи в Рубенско. — В: Проблеми на прабългарската история и култура. С., 1989, 241— 254; Ив. В а с и л ч и н. Двуобреден езически раннобългарски некропол при с. Черна, Толбухински окръг. — В: Проблеми на прабългарската история и култура. С., 1989, с. 213; Р. Р а ш е в, Ст. С т а н и л о в. Ранносредновековен некропол при с. Ножарево, Силистренски окръг. — АОР за 1984, Сливен, 1985, С. 265; Р. Р а ш е в, Ст. С т а н и л о в, Г. А т а н а с о в. Старобългарски езически некропол и селище при с. Ножарево, Силистренски окръг, АОР за 1985, В. Търново, 1986, 184-185; Р. Р а ш е в, Ст. С т а н и л о в, Г. А т а н а с о в. Ранносредновековен некропол при с. Ножарево, Силистренски окръг. - АОР за 1986, Разград, 1987, с. 258; Р. Р а ш е в, С т. С т а н и л о в, Г. А т а н а с о в. Ранносредновековен некропол при с. Ножарево, Разградска област АОР за 1987, Благоевград, 1988, с. 206; Р. Р а ш е в, Ст. С т а н и л о в, Г. А т а н а с о в. Старобългарски некропол при с. Ножарево, Разградска област. — АОР за 1988, Кърджали, 1989, 158-160; Р. Р а ш е в, Ст. С т а н и л о в. Раннесредневековый могильник у с. Ножарево, Силистренский окрут (предварительное сообщение). — В: Проблеми на прабългарската история в култура. С., 1989, 214— 220; Р. Р а ш е в, Ст. С т а н и л о в, Г. А т а н а с о в. Ранносредновековен езически некропол при с. Ножарево, Разградска област. – АОР за 1990. Ловеч, 1991, с. 170; Р. Р а ш е в. Средновековен некропол при с. Караманите, Варненска област. - АОР за 1988, Кърджали, 1989,160-161; Р. Р а ш е в. Ранносредновековен некропол в с. Караманите, Варненска област. — АОР за 1989, Кюстендил, 1990, с. 123; В. Й о т о в. Раннобългарски некропол при с. Хитово, Толбухински окръг. — В: Проблеми на българската исгория и култура. С., 1989, 221-230; В. Й о т о в. Ранносредновековен некропол Хитово — 3. — В: Проблеми на прабългарската история и култура. II. С., 1991, 101—108: М. Д и м и т р о в. Старобългарски некрополи в Балчик (VII—IX в.). — В: Проблеми на прабългарската история и култура. 2. С., 1991, 87—100. ].
The modern Bulgarian history claims that the Bulgarians Slavicated and on that way formed the modern Bulgarian nation. But, is that so? The history tells that there was no mix of the real Bulgarians (Turks). After the Ottoman occupation of Bulgaria in the 14 century, the real Bulgarians because of the cultural, ethnic and language similarities with the Turk seldzucs, massively convered into Islam and become fully Turks. Thus, today's million Turks in Bulgaria and the ones who were violently moved from Bulgaria to Turkey in the time of Todor Zhivkov, are the original Bulgarians, the succesors of Khan Asparuh. But, part from the real Bulgarians "Turks" haven’t islamised and even today wear their Turkish characteristics-that are Gagauz. The origin of the name Gagauz is from the real Bulgarians (Turk) word gag-gug what means no way; namely, when the majority real Bulgarians (Turks) in the 14 century converted into the religion of their numerous and stronger Turkish brothers, Seldzucs, there were Bulgarians who denied to Islamise with the words NO WAY, so that word Gag-Gug, or Gaga-Bulgarians, Bulgarians who didn’t changed their Christian religion become synonum for the christians - Bulgarians (Bakhshi Iman, "DJAGFAR TARIHI" (THE ANNALS OF DJAGFAR), Volume 3, KUL GALI, HON KITABY (BOOK OF HUNS), 28/29). Thus, Bulgarians from Uzbekistan call themselves Uzbeks, which means "to be Bulgarian"
The word Uzi means Bulgar. Gaga-uzi or Gaga-Bulgarians: Bulgarians who stayed devoted to Christ (Bakhshi Iman, "DJAGFAR TARIHI" (THE ANNALS OF DJAGFAR), Volume 3, KUL GALI, HON KITABY (BOOK OF HUNS), 28/29). Today the Bulgarians from Uzbekhistan call themselfs Uzbeki which means "to be Bulgarian".
Gagauz are Turkish-Mongolian group of people of the yellow race, with Mongolian features. The language who they speak belongs to the Thurk languages, and they call it Turkce or Gagauzche (Регионални и етнокултурни български общности зад граница, "Аспекти на етно-културната ситуация", Изд. Асоциация АКСЕС - София, София 2000, стр. 117-176). Gagauz language is the language of the real Bulgarians, the one of Khan Asparuh who came in present day Dobrudza. The origin of Gagauz is from Dobrudza, Varna and East Thrace, the place where the first real Bulgarians - Turk settled. Today the historians from Bulgaria, to defend their hypothesis that they are mixture of Bulgarians and Slavs, say that the Gagauz are remains of the Kumans and Pechenzs, but in places of the Gagauz from the places of Dunube to Ruse, on south till Burgas those are the territories where the Bulgarians settled. If you look the ethnographic map of that part of Bulgaria, so called real Bulgaraia from 1861 year, the whole mentioned area is purely Turkish, inhabited only with orthodox and islamised Turk-Bulgars (Георги Радуле КОЙ ФАЛШИФИЦИРА ИСТОРИЯТА?).
The culture of the Gagauz is the same with the one of the dobrudjanian Slavfonic Bulgarians, so we can say that mixing the Bulgarians with Antis (Slavs) was happening only in Dobrudja. The folk and folk songs, like the whole folklore of Gagauz are identical with the Bulgarians from Dobrudza (Коларова 1998, објавено во Регионални и етнокултурни български общности зад граница, "Аспекти на етно-културната ситуация", Изд. Асоциация АКСЕС - София, София 2000, стр. 117-176).

The father of the nation: Khan Asparuh, presented by the Bulgarians as Mongol
Gagauz - the Bulgarians, like all Christians in the Ottoman Empire were exposed to pressures from their Ottoman brothers to Islamize, many of the Gagauz together with the Slavofonian brothers Bulgarians from Dobrudja, after the Russian-Turkish wars from 18 century, moved to Bessarabia, preent day Ukraine and Moldavia – Russian territory till 1918 and later Soviet. Gagauz are thinking on themselves as pure Bulgarians. Gagauz who moved to Russian Empire to the end of the 19 century, from the side of Russia are always determined as Bulgarians by nationality (Скальковский 1836-1838; 1848, Бугньон 1853: 198, Свиньин 1867: 175, Могилянский 1913: 85).
The Russians, for the first time can see difference between slavofonian Bulgarians from Dobrudza (mix of Turkish Bulgarians and Antis) and Gagauzs in the middle of the 19th century (Кепен 1850, c. 196; 1852: 40; 1861, c. 62, Каранастас-Радова 2001, c. 23). During this period, Imperial Russia aims to create a Russian puppet, an artificial state of Bulgaria and Bulgarians new Slavic nation, the various Slavic tribes who lived on the territory of present-day Bulgaria. For that goal, the Russians had to remove the Bulgarians, to sorrow their name, so that is why they called them Gagauzs, but actual Bulgarians in Bolgarostan (Russian colony) began to call them Tatars and changed the name of their state from Bolgarostan to Tatarstan. Simply, they had to hide the truth that the real Bulgarians are Turki people, Asian-Mongolian. However, Gagauzs in the 20th century declared as Bulgarians (Derzhavin 1937, c. 87), as settlers from Bulgaria to Russia, with their real etnical name (Державин 1914: 13).
Gagauz as closest to them consider Turks and Bessarabian-Dobrudzan Slavofone Bulgarians (mixed Anto (Slavs)-Bulgarians (Turks)) and mostly can be found marriages between them Dobrudzan Slavofone Bulgarians (Регионални и етнокултурни български общности зад граница, "Аспекти на етно-културната ситуация", Изд. Асоциация АКСЕС - София, София 2000, стр. 117-176).
We have historical data from the 13th century English professor at the University of Oxford Roger Bakon (1211-1294), with the highest university degree Doctor Mirabilis, that the Bulgarians from today's Bulgaria spoke the Turkish language. But the fact he has not conveyed from another source, but in the 13th century, personaly visited Bulgaria - Small Bolgaria (between Stara Planina and Danube) and the true Asiatic Bulgaria (Greater Bulgaria), and in his book "Opus Majus " 1268 says: "Small Bulgaria is in Europe and there they (Bulgarians) speak the language of the Bolgarians who live in Greater Bolgaria, which is in Asia ("Kazan. The Enchanted Capital" (Flint River Press Ltd, London, 1995).


Flag of Tatarstan Flag of Bulgaria
All historical sources claim that Bulgarians and Ants (Bulgarian Slavs), and especially the Bulgarians and Macedonians were enemies. In Aegean Macedonia, in the city of Philippi, were found wiriting by the Turkobulgarian Khan Presian from 837 year which says: "Persian from God, ruler of many Bolgarians, send the kavhan Isbul after they gave him army and to the boil Kolovur AGAINST THE SMOLJANS (Державин, Н.С. История на България. Том І, с. 213, цитат по Георги Радуле КОЙ ФАЛШИФИЦИРА ИСТОРИЯТА). Today, Bulgarian historians instead the word "against" falsificate and renamed to "at" to propagate among the Pirin Macedonians with Smoljanian root, that they are Bulgarians.
On another medieval Bulgarian monument, written in the 9th century by the Turko-Tatar Bulgars who spoke the Turkish language, reads: Khan Omurtag lead his army against Slavs ... to destroy the Slavs, and let them not to heal while there is sun and the river Ticha flows ("Първобългарски надписи", Веселин Бешевлиев, София, 1979 г., БАН).
As we see, the Bulgarians never Slavicated, but today live and keep their Turki language and Turkish-Bulgarian culture. After these historical records, how could be possible to claim that the Bulgarians Slavicated themselfs? Bulgarians were enslavers of the Bulgarian Slavs, and both were very different, as racially and culturally. Showing this facts of the Bulgarian historiography, makes stupid the claims of Bulgarian historians that St. Cyril and Methodius were Bulgarians and that they created the Bulgarian alphabet and language. Simply it is not possible, because that at the 855 A.D. when sacred Slavic Apostles created the Slavic alphabet, Bulgarians were Turki people, they were speaking Turk language, and their official language was Greek. Even 40 years later, Bulgaria introduced as official their Slavic language, because of the fact that the largest enslaved ethnic group in their kingdom were the Slavs. Slavic languages and Greek, which was previously an official in the state, were foreign languages for the Bulgarians. Their language has not been changed and it is still alive and spoken from their successors-GagaUzis. If St. Cyril and Methodius were Bulgarians they would spoke Turkish and would contributed to the Turkish alphabet, not Slavic. If Macedonians were Bulgarians, we would be Turki people and would talk the Turkche language such as Gaga-Uzis in Bulgaria and Moldova.
Otherwise, it is questionable whether the claim is true of the Bulgarian historiography that the preslavic conference of the Tukishbulgarian Boljars, the Slavic language is declared official. First Slavic written work in Bulgaria is the written work of Konstantin Preslav, Moravian Slav who, from the Latin priests was expelled, and wants to save himself in Bulgaria, precisely Preslav in the same time from Ioan Exarch, which Bulgaria has called ‘’thugs Slavic’’. After the declaration of the Simeon for Bulgarian king 915 year Konstantin Preslavski and Ioan Exarch dissapear and there is no Slavic creation in Bulgaria anymore, nor followers and students there. After 4 century, in the second Bulgarian empire, in which the Vlachs and the Romanians ruled the Kingdom, in 1273 comes the first Slavic work in Bulgaria- "Trnovian Gospel. Thus, speaking of creating some type of Bulgarian-Slavic nation is just a rummor, empty words, because historical sources do not recognize anything like that. If there was a nation that is nation of the Bulgarian Antis (so called Bulgarian Slavs) with the Turkishbulgarians (the real Bulgarians) and these last were Slavicated, we would have Slavic literature on the territory of real Bulgaria, between Stara Planina and Dunav, but with no single work by a local Bulgarian at that time!
Evliya Chelebi who visited northeastern Bulgaria in 1651 year, the territory inhabited in the 6th century by Turkbulgarians, says that that’s special-district (Gaga) Uzka Milet and says there the people wear Tatarian costumes and are from Tartar origin; the protoBulgarians are Uzi. Chelebia, the whole Dobrudja represents like it’s populated with Turkish-Tatarian people, or a mixture of Slavic-Tartars. For Silistra city says that is the city of Tatars, and for reminding, Silistra is the center of the medieval Bulgarian church. Except Tatars, Chelebi says that in Dobrudja has Chitaks-mix of Tatars (real Bulgarians, Chelebi calls them like that because of the real Bulgarians from Bolgarostan-Tatarstan), Slavs, Vlachs and Moldavians. Women were there, but Christians, and inhabited the whole area of Dobrich. Furthermore he speaks for Deliormans, Islamised real Bulgarians who were not Osmans, although they are like all other citizens of Uzka- Milet have spoken the Turki language different from Turkish (Ottoman) ЗА ГАГАУЗИТЕ” А. И. Манов., Музејна Библиотека, Варна).
Toponyms in northeast Bulgaria are also purely Turkish as the village Uzlar (Uz-lar = uzite) Horozlar, Azaplar, Gerzalar, Songular, Siahlar, Kaspichan (one of the Bulgarian tribes) Kochular, Duraklar, Geykchiler, Bolgarevo, Bourgas, etc.
Bulgarian official history accepts Gagauzs as the oldest Bulgarians part of the Bulgarian nation Even the Turkbulgarians from Bulgarostan, Chuvashia, Russian steppes, etc.. (Брошурка “БЪЛГАРИТЕ ИЗВЪН РЕПУБЛИКА БЪЛГАРИЯ’’Пламен Павлов, председател на Агенцията за българите в чужбина (август 1998 - март 2002 г., објавено од ВМРО Русе)).
Here are some examples of the actual language of the real Bulgarians, Gaga-Uzis
Ortodoks ayinler,
Verimli toprakların sunduğu şarap,
dilde,kültürde ve geleneklerde yaşayan görkemli geçmiş.
Anadolu Oğuzlarının hristiyan akrabaları..
Gagauzlar'ı Türk tutan en önemli unsurlar,
* İnat derecesindeki Türklük bilinci
* Türk dilinde yapılan ortodoks ayinler
Gagauzlar, 1000 yıllık ayrılığın ardından,Türk dünyası ile buluşuyor...
The Language of the Volga Bulgarians, today Bolgarostan-Tatarstans from Tatarstan is also Turki language, but it has been written in Cyrillic in 1939 year. This language is very similar to the Gagauzian, because the Bulgarians in the Balkans had come from today's Tatarstan, so that the actual language of the Bulgarians of Tatarstan (Volga) and the Gagauzians have the same root. Example for Bolgarian-Tatarcha language: an interview with the Tatar president, an excerpt from his website: Here's another example about Tatarcha, the language of the Bulgarians from Tatarstan in Latin alphabet: :“Dungiz!!! Bashta Tatarcha soylesherge oyren. Annari Australia turinda uylarsin. Monda sinnen bashka da mankortlar kup. Hormet belen, Koala efende Ayuyev (The Tatar Gazzete, Editors Note, N 3-4, 18.04.2000). Mintimer Shaimiev, president of Tataristan
Chuvashians are Bulgarians from Republic of Chuvashia and have the same origin as the Bulgarians of Bolgarostan-Tatarstan, Gagauzs (Balkan Bulgarians) and Chuvashia; and their language is the same-Turkobulgarians. The Chuvashs as their nationality, they are declaring as Bulgarian.
Now there is a question: "If true Bulgarians speak Turki language, which is the language today Balkan Bulgarians speak?" . It is not possible only the Bulgarians from Chuvashia and Tatarstan Bolgarostan-Turki to people with the Turki language, and the Balkans, "the Bulgarians, who came from Volga, today Tataristan, to not be Turki people. Gagauzs here speak the same language with Bolgarostans-Tatars and Chuvashians, the real Bulgarians, have the same Turki traditions and culture, so you can confidently claim that they are heirs of the Bulgarians of Khan Asparuh.
Second Bulgarian Empire
The Second Bulgarian Empire was founded in 1186 year by the brothers Asan and Petru from Vlach-Cuman origin. At the beginning of the reign of Jovan Asen I and Petru, until they liberated the whole territory of the real Danube Bulgaria in 1189/1190 year, every one of them was carrying a title 'Emperor of Vlachs and the most part of the Bulgarians" or "Emperor of Vlachs and Kumanis". The term "Vlach" refers to romanised Thracians of Bulgaria, while Kumanis are Turki people allied with the real Bolgars, who are Turkis. At that time (late 12th century, the beginning of the 13th century), the term "Bulgarian" was for the Turki peoples who inhabited Danube Bulgaria (the territory between the Danube and the Stara Planina), primarily Kumanis, Bolgarians and Pechenzis. Later, with full release of the Danube Bulgaria in 1204 year, the Bulgarian Tsar Kaloyan declares in front of the Roman Pope Inokentij III as "Emperor of all Bulgarians and Vlachs" (Imperator omnium Bulgarorum et Blacorum), and the Bulgarian archbishop was carrying the title "Primate of whole Bulgaria and Valachia Prima t.e. totius Bulgariae et Blaciae Primas [History of the Byzantine Empire, A.A. Vasiliev, University of Wisconsin Press, 1964, p.442].
We should mention that Macedonia in 1204 wasn’t occupied by the Bulgarian Tsar Kaloyan, and since he declared as the Emperor of all Bulgarians, it is very clear that the Macedonians were not Bulgarians, not considered as such by the very real Bulgarians. Later, in 1221/22 year, Bulgarian tsar Jovan Asen II begins conquering expedition to Macedonia, which was very cruel to the Macedonians; the Macedonian towns, villages and fortresses were destroyed and turned into desert. This is another proof that very Medieval Bulgarians, didn’t considered the Macedonians as same people, but they considered the Macedonians as enemies. The most famous Byzantine historian from this time, Gligora, about this campaign of the Bulgarian Tsar Asen about Macedonia wrote: "... so easy Jovan (John Asen II 1218-1241 yy.) took all the places to Thessaloniki and Macedonia, and turned all the villages, towns and fortress into desert ... (και ούτω πάντα 'ράδίως ό Ιωάννης κατέδραμεν άχρι θεσσαλονίκης και Μακεδονίας, όπόσα εκ κώμαις και πόλεσι και φρουρίοις , ν έρημίαν, το δη λεγόμενον, άποδείξας)» [Nicephori Gregorae Вуzantia hiѕtоria. I-еd. L. Ѕсhореnus, Воппае 1829, 16 (понатаму скратено Gregorae I; ГИБИ, XI, 125]. Would anyone destroyed his people and his own country? Bulgarian μικρού attack was with hard character, because the Episcopian ruler Theodor Angel aimed to spread his reign to Thessaloniki. About that N. Gregory said «he finally subdued the capital ν Thessaloniki, which is the first in the country of the Macedonians... (έως και αυτήν ή της τ ν θεσσαλονίκην)» [Gregorae 1, 26; GIBI, XI, 125] . This έχειρώσατο μεγαλόπολιν τη ηται γη Μακεδόνων προκά this fact A. Milev and L. Yonchev comment that «refers to the inhabitants of Macedonia » [GIBI, H1, 125 white. 21], and we know that Thessalonica wasn’t the capital on this topic, but it was the city Odrin and even more Thessalonica wasn’t entering to the composition of the theme of Macedonia. S. Chirkovikj this part translates like something different: «he took Thessalonica and the capital of Macedonia» [VIINJ, VI, 153] (MACEDONIA AND MACEDONIANS IN THE WORK OF NIKIFOR GRIGORA - BYZANTINE HISTORY from XIV century-A. Atanasovski). As it can be spotted, the Macedonian neighbors, with "mild" correction of history writings, everywhere are trying to deny the Macedonian name and people and made rough forgeries.
Bulgaria even in the First and Second Bulgarian empire was ruled exclusively by people of Turki-origin; they were leadership and with the elite structure they were in the largest state.The Slavicated Tracians - the Trakoslavs from the Bulgarian ethnic group in the country, but didn’t have any power; they were only peasants, enslaved by the Bulgarians and their Turki brothers, and the Kumanis, the Pechenezs who populated northern Bulgaria-real Danube Bulgaria. Bulgarian Turki nations collaborated with each other, not only internally from Bulgaria, but also internationally. Bulgarian Tsar Ivailo (1277-1280 year). In 1280 year was seeking for assistance for defense for Bulgaria, the Tatar Khan Nogaj, from who eventually was killed. In 1280 the Bulgarian throne comes to Georgi Terter I, Kuman, who always declared as Bulgarian and his daughter married to the son of Tatar Khan Nogaj. In 1299 on the Bulgarian throne sits the son of Tatar Khan Nogaj, King Tatar Chaka. In a word, Bulgaria to 1878 and the creation of the Bulgarian Slavic state by Russia, represented a mixture of the Turki peoples: Tatar-Bolgars, Kumanis and Pechenezs. Since 1878, Russia established the Bulgarian Slavic nation, which actually has nothing to Bulgarian, except that long time this Slavic nation was living under the bondage of the Bulgarians and the other Turki nations.
And now, when a Bulgarian proudly says that Macedonians are Bulgarians, I'd answer them: are you sure you’re Bulgarian? Do you speak Gagauzka-Turkche language, are you Asian? After this, you will silence even the "greatest" Bulgarian.
Translated by Antonio Ilijevski & A.S.
The Lies of Bulgarism in Macedonian
Bulgarians were developed European nation
"The begining of the bulgarian history we should search in the history of the middle-asian turkish people, which are known as Huns." (Vasil N. Zlatarski "History of the first bulgarian empire" I epoch, The epoch of the Huns-Bulgarian supremacy (679—852), c 56) .
"We should search for the origin of the Bulgarian tribes in the Mongolian stepes, just like all Turkish-Bulgarian nations. They belong to the Turkish group Altais, and their language is Turkish-Altaian. The Bulgarians from Asia came to Europe in the 2 century BC and they settle between Caspian and Black Sea. For the first time on the Balkans, Bulgarians have been spotted in the 502 year A.D, when they founded Thrace [THE BULGARIANS, Extract from the book "Bulgaria Illustrated History", Bojidar Dimitrov, PhD., Author, Published by BORIANA Publishing House, Sofia,Bulgaria].
Around the valey of the southern part of river Volga even today live some Bulgarian ethnic groups like the Bulgarian-Tatars, Chuvashs, and AlMarinces. The origin of the Balkan Bulgarians is from Volga, from the famous Volga’s Bulgaria, till the 1919 year called Bolgaristan, present day Tataristan. The Bolgarians by nationality declare as Bulgarians-Tatars [Boryngy..., 1963, 17-51], [Vorobev N.I., 1948, 80; Kozlova K.I., 1964, 20-21], [Boryngy..., 1963, 17-51], and they have their own Bulgarian language, that belongs to the group of Thurk languages [Kashgari Makhmud, 1960, 66-68; Kononov A.N., 1972, 14].
There is no dilemma, the real Bulgarians who the Bulgarian history known as proto-Bulgarians, were Turkish Asian-Mongolian tribe, with their Turkish language (History of the Bulgarian State, v. l, part 1, Sofia, 1938, pp. 332 337, by Prof. V. N. Zlatarski); the official Bulgarian history confirms that, as well as the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for which the real Bulgarians are Turkish tribe with Turkish language (История на България. Т. II. С., 1981, с.60.). The Turkish anthropological type and the Turkish language of the Bulgarians are not set under doubt; there are indisputable evidences about the Turkish character of the old Bulgarian language, which can be found on the writings by the real Bulgarians, such as the Notebook of the Bulgarian rulers, by the writings from Byzantine sources, but also from the Bulgarian stone writings from the Middle Ages which are on Turkish language (page 23-33 Studia protobulgarica mediaevalia europensia. in honour of Prof. Veselin Besheliev, Veliko Tarnovo, 1992).

Bulgarian warlord Mostrich - 9 century
The material culture of the first Bulgarian empire (till 971 year) is purely Turkish, with elements present in all other cultures from the Turkish khaganat: twelve year animal calendar, cult of Tangra, etc. (Бешевлиев, В. Първобългарите. Бит и култура. С., 1981; Р а ш е в, Р. Дунавска България и Централна Азия. - Втори международен конгрес по българистика. Доклади. Т.6. С., 1987, с. 205-210). Imagine, in the group of Turkish people Bulgarians include Tsar Samuel!
Judging from the archeological remains, the Bulgarians on the Balkan Peninsula have settled only in north-east Bulgaria and Norht Dobrudza. The Bulgarians from present day Bulgaria and Volga during the Middle Ages, have fully deformed scull. They done that on themselves arteficialy with special man made device. The dead are berried on specific way, oriented north-south, burning the bodies of the dead ones with fire (clearing), lying with crossed legs (Turkish way of sitting). Identical with the characteristic Bulgarian rituals of barring and deformed sculls are founded in the valey if lower Volga, with that we can conclude that the real Bulgarians were Turkish group of people, the same who inhabits today Tataristan and Chuvashia. Anthropologicly, the Bulgarians from Volga's valley and north-east Bulgaria and north Dobrudza were Mongolian group of people, such as today’s inheritors of the real Bulgarians-Bolgarostans, Tataristans, and Chuvashs [В. М и к о в. Последни могилни находки. — В: Мадара, I,1934, 429-438; Ст. С т а н ч е в, С т. И в а н е в. Некрополът до Нови пазар. С., 1958; Ж. В ъ ж а р о в а. Славяни и прабългари (по данни от некрополите.VI—XI в. на територията на България). С., 1976, 86-140, 141, 167, 169, 172: Ж. В ъ ж а р о в а. Двуобреден езически некропол край с. Бдинци, Толбухински окръг. — ИНМВ, 1981, XVII (XXXII), 77-109; Вл. З и р р а. Двуобрядный могильник раннефеодальной эпохи в Капул Вийлор — История. — Dacia, VII, 1967, 355-412; G. S i m i o n. Necropola feudal — timpurie de la Nalbant (Judetul Tulcea). — PEUCE, II, 1971, 221-248; Д. Ил. Д и м и т р о в. Новооткрит български некропол при Девня (предварително съобщение). — ИНМВ, VII (XXII), 1971, 57-76; Д. Ил. Д и м и т р о в. Раннобългарски некропол № 3 при гр. Девня. - ИНМВ, VIII (ХХIII), 1972, 45-67; Д. Ил. Д и м и т р о в. Двуобреден раннобългарски некропол при Варна. — В: Сб. Преслав, II, С., 1976, 107-125; Д. С т а н ч е в. Ранносредновековен некропол до гара Табачка. - ГМСБ, Х, 1984, 33-42; Д. С т а н ч е в. Ранносредновековен некропол до с. Батин, Русенски окръг. — ГМСБ, XI, 1985,45—54; Д. С т а н ч е в. Прабългарски компоненти в погребалния обряд и инвентара на ранносредновековните некрополи в Рубенско. — В: Проблеми на прабългарската история и култура. С., 1989, 241— 254; Ив. В а с и л ч и н. Двуобреден езически раннобългарски некропол при с. Черна, Толбухински окръг. — В: Проблеми на прабългарската история и култура. С., 1989, с. 213; Р. Р а ш е в, Ст. С т а н и л о в. Ранносредновековен некропол при с. Ножарево, Силистренски окръг. — АОР за 1984, Сливен, 1985, С. 265; Р. Р а ш е в, Ст. С т а н и л о в, Г. А т а н а с о в. Старобългарски езически некропол и селище при с. Ножарево, Силистренски окръг, АОР за 1985, В. Търново, 1986, 184-185; Р. Р а ш е в, Ст. С т а н и л о в, Г. А т а н а с о в. Ранносредновековен некропол при с. Ножарево, Силистренски окръг. - АОР за 1986, Разград, 1987, с. 258; Р. Р а ш е в, С т. С т а н и л о в, Г. А т а н а с о в. Ранносредновековен некропол при с. Ножарево, Разградска област АОР за 1987, Благоевград, 1988, с. 206; Р. Р а ш е в, Ст. С т а н и л о в, Г. А т а н а с о в. Старобългарски некропол при с. Ножарево, Разградска област. — АОР за 1988, Кърджали, 1989, 158-160; Р. Р а ш е в, Ст. С т а н и л о в. Раннесредневековый могильник у с. Ножарево, Силистренский окрут (предварительное сообщение). — В: Проблеми на прабългарската история в култура. С., 1989, 214— 220; Р. Р а ш е в, Ст. С т а н и л о в, Г. А т а н а с о в. Ранносредновековен езически некропол при с. Ножарево, Разградска област. – АОР за 1990. Ловеч, 1991, с. 170; Р. Р а ш е в. Средновековен некропол при с. Караманите, Варненска област. - АОР за 1988, Кърджали, 1989,160-161; Р. Р а ш е в. Ранносредновековен некропол в с. Караманите, Варненска област. — АОР за 1989, Кюстендил, 1990, с. 123; В. Й о т о в. Раннобългарски некропол при с. Хитово, Толбухински окръг. — В: Проблеми на българската исгория и култура. С., 1989, 221-230; В. Й о т о в. Ранносредновековен некропол Хитово — 3. — В: Проблеми на прабългарската история и култура. II. С., 1991, 101—108: М. Д и м и т р о в. Старобългарски некрополи в Балчик (VII—IX в.). — В: Проблеми на прабългарската история и култура. 2. С., 1991, 87—100. ].
The modern Bulgarian history claims that the Bulgarians Slavicated and on that way formed the modern Bulgarian nation. But, is that so? The history tells that there was no mix of the real Bulgarians (Turks). After the Ottoman occupation of Bulgaria in the 14 century, the real Bulgarians because of the cultural, ethnic and language similarities with the Turk seldzucs, massively convered into Islam and become fully Turks. Thus, today's million Turks in Bulgaria and the ones who were violently moved from Bulgaria to Turkey in the time of Todor Zhivkov, are the original Bulgarians, the succesors of Khan Asparuh. But, part from the real Bulgarians "Turks" haven’t islamised and even today wear their Turkish characteristics-that are Gagauz. The origin of the name Gagauz is from the real Bulgarians (Turk) word gag-gug what means no way; namely, when the majority real Bulgarians (Turks) in the 14 century converted into the religion of their numerous and stronger Turkish brothers, Seldzucs, there were Bulgarians who denied to Islamise with the words NO WAY, so that word Gag-Gug, or Gaga-Bulgarians, Bulgarians who didn’t changed their Christian religion become synonum for the christians - Bulgarians (Bakhshi Iman, "DJAGFAR TARIHI" (THE ANNALS OF DJAGFAR), Volume 3, KUL GALI, HON KITABY (BOOK OF HUNS), 28/29). Thus, Bulgarians from Uzbekistan call themselves Uzbeks, which means "to be Bulgarian"
The word Uzi means Bulgar. Gaga-uzi or Gaga-Bulgarians: Bulgarians who stayed devoted to Christ (Bakhshi Iman, "DJAGFAR TARIHI" (THE ANNALS OF DJAGFAR), Volume 3, KUL GALI, HON KITABY (BOOK OF HUNS), 28/29). Today the Bulgarians from Uzbekhistan call themselfs Uzbeki which means "to be Bulgarian".
Gagauz are Turkish-Mongolian group of people of the yellow race, with Mongolian features. The language who they speak belongs to the Thurk languages, and they call it Turkce or Gagauzche (Регионални и етнокултурни български общности зад граница, "Аспекти на етно-културната ситуация", Изд. Асоциация АКСЕС - София, София 2000, стр. 117-176). Gagauz language is the language of the real Bulgarians, the one of Khan Asparuh who came in present day Dobrudza. The origin of Gagauz is from Dobrudza, Varna and East Thrace, the place where the first real Bulgarians - Turk settled. Today the historians from Bulgaria, to defend their hypothesis that they are mixture of Bulgarians and Slavs, say that the Gagauz are remains of the Kumans and Pechenzs, but in places of the Gagauz from the places of Dunube to Ruse, on south till Burgas those are the territories where the Bulgarians settled. If you look the ethnographic map of that part of Bulgaria, so called real Bulgaraia from 1861 year, the whole mentioned area is purely Turkish, inhabited only with orthodox and islamised Turk-Bulgars (Георги Радуле КОЙ ФАЛШИФИЦИРА ИСТОРИЯТА?).
The culture of the Gagauz is the same with the one of the dobrudjanian Slavfonic Bulgarians, so we can say that mixing the Bulgarians with Antis (Slavs) was happening only in Dobrudja. The folk and folk songs, like the whole folklore of Gagauz are identical with the Bulgarians from Dobrudza (Коларова 1998, објавено во Регионални и етнокултурни български общности зад граница, "Аспекти на етно-културната ситуация", Изд. Асоциация АКСЕС - София, София 2000, стр. 117-176).

The father of the nation: Khan Asparuh, presented by the Bulgarians as Mongol
Gagauz - the Bulgarians, like all Christians in the Ottoman Empire were exposed to pressures from their Ottoman brothers to Islamize, many of the Gagauz together with the Slavofonian brothers Bulgarians from Dobrudja, after the Russian-Turkish wars from 18 century, moved to Bessarabia, preent day Ukraine and Moldavia – Russian territory till 1918 and later Soviet. Gagauz are thinking on themselves as pure Bulgarians. Gagauz who moved to Russian Empire to the end of the 19 century, from the side of Russia are always determined as Bulgarians by nationality (Скальковский 1836-1838; 1848, Бугньон 1853: 198, Свиньин 1867: 175, Могилянский 1913: 85).
The Russians, for the first time can see difference between slavofonian Bulgarians from Dobrudza (mix of Turkish Bulgarians and Antis) and Gagauzs in the middle of the 19th century (Кепен 1850, c. 196; 1852: 40; 1861, c. 62, Каранастас-Радова 2001, c. 23). During this period, Imperial Russia aims to create a Russian puppet, an artificial state of Bulgaria and Bulgarians new Slavic nation, the various Slavic tribes who lived on the territory of present-day Bulgaria. For that goal, the Russians had to remove the Bulgarians, to sorrow their name, so that is why they called them Gagauzs, but actual Bulgarians in Bolgarostan (Russian colony) began to call them Tatars and changed the name of their state from Bolgarostan to Tatarstan. Simply, they had to hide the truth that the real Bulgarians are Turki people, Asian-Mongolian. However, Gagauzs in the 20th century declared as Bulgarians (Derzhavin 1937, c. 87), as settlers from Bulgaria to Russia, with their real etnical name (Державин 1914: 13).
Gagauz as closest to them consider Turks and Bessarabian-Dobrudzan Slavofone Bulgarians (mixed Anto (Slavs)-Bulgarians (Turks)) and mostly can be found marriages between them Dobrudzan Slavofone Bulgarians (Регионални и етнокултурни български общности зад граница, "Аспекти на етно-културната ситуация", Изд. Асоциация АКСЕС - София, София 2000, стр. 117-176).
We have historical data from the 13th century English professor at the University of Oxford Roger Bakon (1211-1294), with the highest university degree Doctor Mirabilis, that the Bulgarians from today's Bulgaria spoke the Turkish language. But the fact he has not conveyed from another source, but in the 13th century, personaly visited Bulgaria - Small Bolgaria (between Stara Planina and Danube) and the true Asiatic Bulgaria (Greater Bulgaria), and in his book "Opus Majus " 1268 says: "Small Bulgaria is in Europe and there they (Bulgarians) speak the language of the Bolgarians who live in Greater Bolgaria, which is in Asia ("Kazan. The Enchanted Capital" (Flint River Press Ltd, London, 1995).


Flag of Tatarstan Flag of Bulgaria
All historical sources claim that Bulgarians and Ants (Bulgarian Slavs), and especially the Bulgarians and Macedonians were enemies. In Aegean Macedonia, in the city of Philippi, were found wiriting by the Turkobulgarian Khan Presian from 837 year which says: "Persian from God, ruler of many Bolgarians, send the kavhan Isbul after they gave him army and to the boil Kolovur AGAINST THE SMOLJANS (Державин, Н.С. История на България. Том І, с. 213, цитат по Георги Радуле КОЙ ФАЛШИФИЦИРА ИСТОРИЯТА). Today, Bulgarian historians instead the word "against" falsificate and renamed to "at" to propagate among the Pirin Macedonians with Smoljanian root, that they are Bulgarians.
On another medieval Bulgarian monument, written in the 9th century by the Turko-Tatar Bulgars who spoke the Turkish language, reads: Khan Omurtag lead his army against Slavs ... to destroy the Slavs, and let them not to heal while there is sun and the river Ticha flows ("Първобългарски надписи", Веселин Бешевлиев, София, 1979 г., БАН).
As we see, the Bulgarians never Slavicated, but today live and keep their Turki language and Turkish-Bulgarian culture. After these historical records, how could be possible to claim that the Bulgarians Slavicated themselfs? Bulgarians were enslavers of the Bulgarian Slavs, and both were very different, as racially and culturally. Showing this facts of the Bulgarian historiography, makes stupid the claims of Bulgarian historians that St. Cyril and Methodius were Bulgarians and that they created the Bulgarian alphabet and language. Simply it is not possible, because that at the 855 A.D. when sacred Slavic Apostles created the Slavic alphabet, Bulgarians were Turki people, they were speaking Turk language, and their official language was Greek. Even 40 years later, Bulgaria introduced as official their Slavic language, because of the fact that the largest enslaved ethnic group in their kingdom were the Slavs. Slavic languages and Greek, which was previously an official in the state, were foreign languages for the Bulgarians. Their language has not been changed and it is still alive and spoken from their successors-GagaUzis. If St. Cyril and Methodius were Bulgarians they would spoke Turkish and would contributed to the Turkish alphabet, not Slavic. If Macedonians were Bulgarians, we would be Turki people and would talk the Turkche language such as Gaga-Uzis in Bulgaria and Moldova.
Otherwise, it is questionable whether the claim is true of the Bulgarian historiography that the preslavic conference of the Tukishbulgarian Boljars, the Slavic language is declared official. First Slavic written work in Bulgaria is the written work of Konstantin Preslav, Moravian Slav who, from the Latin priests was expelled, and wants to save himself in Bulgaria, precisely Preslav in the same time from Ioan Exarch, which Bulgaria has called ‘’thugs Slavic’’. After the declaration of the Simeon for Bulgarian king 915 year Konstantin Preslavski and Ioan Exarch dissapear and there is no Slavic creation in Bulgaria anymore, nor followers and students there. After 4 century, in the second Bulgarian empire, in which the Vlachs and the Romanians ruled the Kingdom, in 1273 comes the first Slavic work in Bulgaria- "Trnovian Gospel. Thus, speaking of creating some type of Bulgarian-Slavic nation is just a rummor, empty words, because historical sources do not recognize anything like that. If there was a nation that is nation of the Bulgarian Antis (so called Bulgarian Slavs) with the Turkishbulgarians (the real Bulgarians) and these last were Slavicated, we would have Slavic literature on the territory of real Bulgaria, between Stara Planina and Dunav, but with no single work by a local Bulgarian at that time!
Evliya Chelebi who visited northeastern Bulgaria in 1651 year, the territory inhabited in the 6th century by Turkbulgarians, says that that’s special-district (Gaga) Uzka Milet and says there the people wear Tatarian costumes and are from Tartar origin; the protoBulgarians are Uzi. Chelebia, the whole Dobrudja represents like it’s populated with Turkish-Tatarian people, or a mixture of Slavic-Tartars. For Silistra city says that is the city of Tatars, and for reminding, Silistra is the center of the medieval Bulgarian church. Except Tatars, Chelebi says that in Dobrudja has Chitaks-mix of Tatars (real Bulgarians, Chelebi calls them like that because of the real Bulgarians from Bolgarostan-Tatarstan), Slavs, Vlachs and Moldavians. Women were there, but Christians, and inhabited the whole area of Dobrich. Furthermore he speaks for Deliormans, Islamised real Bulgarians who were not Osmans, although they are like all other citizens of Uzka- Milet have spoken the Turki language different from Turkish (Ottoman) ЗА ГАГАУЗИТЕ” А. И. Манов., Музејна Библиотека, Варна).
Toponyms in northeast Bulgaria are also purely Turkish as the village Uzlar (Uz-lar = uzite) Horozlar, Azaplar, Gerzalar, Songular, Siahlar, Kaspichan (one of the Bulgarian tribes) Kochular, Duraklar, Geykchiler, Bolgarevo, Bourgas, etc.
Bulgarian official history accepts Gagauzs as the oldest Bulgarians part of the Bulgarian nation Even the Turkbulgarians from Bulgarostan, Chuvashia, Russian steppes, etc.. (Брошурка “БЪЛГАРИТЕ ИЗВЪН РЕПУБЛИКА БЪЛГАРИЯ’’Пламен Павлов, председател на Агенцията за българите в чужбина (август 1998 - март 2002 г., објавено од ВМРО Русе)).
Here are some examples of the actual language of the real Bulgarians, Gaga-Uzis
Ortodoks ayinler,
Verimli toprakların sunduğu şarap,
dilde,kültürde ve geleneklerde yaşayan görkemli geçmiş.
Anadolu Oğuzlarının hristiyan akrabaları..
Gagauzlar'ı Türk tutan en önemli unsurlar,
* İnat derecesindeki Türklük bilinci
* Türk dilinde yapılan ortodoks ayinler
Gagauzlar, 1000 yıllık ayrılığın ardından,Türk dünyası ile buluşuyor...
The Language of the Volga Bulgarians, today Bolgarostan-Tatarstans from Tatarstan is also Turki language, but it has been written in Cyrillic in 1939 year. This language is very similar to the Gagauzian, because the Bulgarians in the Balkans had come from today's Tatarstan, so that the actual language of the Bulgarians of Tatarstan (Volga) and the Gagauzians have the same root. Example for Bolgarian-Tatarcha language: an interview with the Tatar president, an excerpt from his website: Here's another example about Tatarcha, the language of the Bulgarians from Tatarstan in Latin alphabet: :“Dungiz!!! Bashta Tatarcha soylesherge oyren. Annari Australia turinda uylarsin. Monda sinnen bashka da mankortlar kup. Hormet belen, Koala efende Ayuyev (The Tatar Gazzete, Editors Note, N 3-4, 18.04.2000). Mintimer Shaimiev, president of Tataristan
Chuvashians are Bulgarians from Republic of Chuvashia and have the same origin as the Bulgarians of Bolgarostan-Tatarstan, Gagauzs (Balkan Bulgarians) and Chuvashia; and their language is the same-Turkobulgarians. The Chuvashs as their nationality, they are declaring as Bulgarian.
Now there is a question: "If true Bulgarians speak Turki language, which is the language today Balkan Bulgarians speak?" . It is not possible only the Bulgarians from Chuvashia and Tatarstan Bolgarostan-Turki to people with the Turki language, and the Balkans, "the Bulgarians, who came from Volga, today Tataristan, to not be Turki people. Gagauzs here speak the same language with Bolgarostans-Tatars and Chuvashians, the real Bulgarians, have the same Turki traditions and culture, so you can confidently claim that they are heirs of the Bulgarians of Khan Asparuh.
Second Bulgarian Empire
The Second Bulgarian Empire was founded in 1186 year by the brothers Asan and Petru from Vlach-Cuman origin. At the beginning of the reign of Jovan Asen I and Petru, until they liberated the whole territory of the real Danube Bulgaria in 1189/1190 year, every one of them was carrying a title 'Emperor of Vlachs and the most part of the Bulgarians" or "Emperor of Vlachs and Kumanis". The term "Vlach" refers to romanised Thracians of Bulgaria, while Kumanis are Turki people allied with the real Bolgars, who are Turkis. At that time (late 12th century, the beginning of the 13th century), the term "Bulgarian" was for the Turki peoples who inhabited Danube Bulgaria (the territory between the Danube and the Stara Planina), primarily Kumanis, Bolgarians and Pechenzis. Later, with full release of the Danube Bulgaria in 1204 year, the Bulgarian Tsar Kaloyan declares in front of the Roman Pope Inokentij III as "Emperor of all Bulgarians and Vlachs" (Imperator omnium Bulgarorum et Blacorum), and the Bulgarian archbishop was carrying the title "Primate of whole Bulgaria and Valachia Prima t.e. totius Bulgariae et Blaciae Primas [History of the Byzantine Empire, A.A. Vasiliev, University of Wisconsin Press, 1964, p.442].
We should mention that Macedonia in 1204 wasn’t occupied by the Bulgarian Tsar Kaloyan, and since he declared as the Emperor of all Bulgarians, it is very clear that the Macedonians were not Bulgarians, not considered as such by the very real Bulgarians. Later, in 1221/22 year, Bulgarian tsar Jovan Asen II begins conquering expedition to Macedonia, which was very cruel to the Macedonians; the Macedonian towns, villages and fortresses were destroyed and turned into desert. This is another proof that very Medieval Bulgarians, didn’t considered the Macedonians as same people, but they considered the Macedonians as enemies. The most famous Byzantine historian from this time, Gligora, about this campaign of the Bulgarian Tsar Asen about Macedonia wrote: "... so easy Jovan (John Asen II 1218-1241 yy.) took all the places to Thessaloniki and Macedonia, and turned all the villages, towns and fortress into desert ... (και ούτω πάντα 'ράδίως ό Ιωάννης κατέδραμεν άχρι θεσσαλονίκης και Μακεδονίας, όπόσα εκ κώμαις και πόλεσι και φρουρίοις , ν έρημίαν, το δη λεγόμενον, άποδείξας)» [Nicephori Gregorae Вуzantia hiѕtоria. I-еd. L. Ѕсhореnus, Воппае 1829, 16 (понатаму скратено Gregorae I; ГИБИ, XI, 125]. Would anyone destroyed his people and his own country? Bulgarian μικρού attack was with hard character, because the Episcopian ruler Theodor Angel aimed to spread his reign to Thessaloniki. About that N. Gregory said «he finally subdued the capital ν Thessaloniki, which is the first in the country of the Macedonians... (έως και αυτήν ή της τ ν θεσσαλονίκην)» [Gregorae 1, 26; GIBI, XI, 125] . This έχειρώσατο μεγαλόπολιν τη ηται γη Μακεδόνων προκά this fact A. Milev and L. Yonchev comment that «refers to the inhabitants of Macedonia » [GIBI, H1, 125 white. 21], and we know that Thessalonica wasn’t the capital on this topic, but it was the city Odrin and even more Thessalonica wasn’t entering to the composition of the theme of Macedonia. S. Chirkovikj this part translates like something different: «he took Thessalonica and the capital of Macedonia» [VIINJ, VI, 153] (MACEDONIA AND MACEDONIANS IN THE WORK OF NIKIFOR GRIGORA - BYZANTINE HISTORY from XIV century-A. Atanasovski). As it can be spotted, the Macedonian neighbors, with "mild" correction of history writings, everywhere are trying to deny the Macedonian name and people and made rough forgeries.
Bulgaria even in the First and Second Bulgarian empire was ruled exclusively by people of Turki-origin; they were leadership and with the elite structure they were in the largest state.The Slavicated Tracians - the Trakoslavs from the Bulgarian ethnic group in the country, but didn’t have any power; they were only peasants, enslaved by the Bulgarians and their Turki brothers, and the Kumanis, the Pechenezs who populated northern Bulgaria-real Danube Bulgaria. Bulgarian Turki nations collaborated with each other, not only internally from Bulgaria, but also internationally. Bulgarian Tsar Ivailo (1277-1280 year). In 1280 year was seeking for assistance for defense for Bulgaria, the Tatar Khan Nogaj, from who eventually was killed. In 1280 the Bulgarian throne comes to Georgi Terter I, Kuman, who always declared as Bulgarian and his daughter married to the son of Tatar Khan Nogaj. In 1299 on the Bulgarian throne sits the son of Tatar Khan Nogaj, King Tatar Chaka. In a word, Bulgaria to 1878 and the creation of the Bulgarian Slavic state by Russia, represented a mixture of the Turki peoples: Tatar-Bolgars, Kumanis and Pechenezs. Since 1878, Russia established the Bulgarian Slavic nation, which actually has nothing to Bulgarian, except that long time this Slavic nation was living under the bondage of the Bulgarians and the other Turki nations.
And now, when a Bulgarian proudly says that Macedonians are Bulgarians, I'd answer them: are you sure you’re Bulgarian? Do you speak Gagauzka-Turkche language, are you Asian? After this, you will silence even the "greatest" Bulgarian.
Translated by Antonio Ilijevski & A.S.
Unbelievable bullshit. 80 years ago there were more Bulgarians than "Macedonians" in the city of Skopje but now the Bulgarians are "Tatars".
I'm tired of Macedonian "scholars". Macedonians are just young state trying to create nation from its people. It is nothing unusual and you can see evidences about that at every work about ethnicity. But such aggressive and stupid propaganda is unbelievable and unacceptable. We don't want or need you to become part of us, believe me! All we ask is to respect and NOT to steal Bulgarian, Greek or Serbian cultural heritage. You are denying your identity crisis and that's why the whole Balkans, the whole world is making fun of you. And don't reference to Bojidar Dimitrov please - they are better ones to show how stupid Macedonian theories are!
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