September 26, 2008

Otago Witness, 3 June 1903


Otago Witness , Issue 2568, 3 June 1903, Page 23

The Russian newspapers denounce Petroff's Government as a Stambouloffist Administration less Russophil in character than the Daneff Cabinet, which resigned recently in consequencc of an incident between Prince Ferdinand and two of the Ministers. The new Administration was only formed with great difficulty, the first attempt being a failure.

SOFIA, May 25.
Since the appointment of the Petroff Cabinet Bulgaria's relations with Turkey have improved. A Bulgarian note to the Powers asks them to sanction a separate Bulgarian agreement with Turkey for the pacification of Macedonia.

May 29.
Macedonian refugees threatened Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria. Great precautions are being taken to protect him. Six Bulgarians were captured while throwing bombs into the police quarters in the Vodana district.

The Albanians have released the members of the Sultan's peace mission, whom they captured and carried away into the mountains.

Mr Deltcheff, creator of the Macedonian revolutionary organisation, was killed in a skirmish at Panitza. His death is likely to paralyse the movement.

The Macedonians in the Smardeshand Kastoria districts, using dynamite bombsj had a severe fight with the Turks, whose artillery destroyed their village. The whole band were annihilated.

May 27.
Mr Natchevics, Bulgarian Minister of Finance, is about to visit Constantinople to arrange a rapprochement with Turkey, and dissipate the distrust prevalent regarding Bulgaria's attitude in the Balkan question.

May 31.
During the disturbances at Salonica 1000 persons were incarcerated. The poorest were gradually released, and the, wealthier detained pending a settlement of the conditions of ransom. The number killed at Smerdesh (in the engagement between the Macedonians and Turks) is estimated at betweeu 100 and 200.

Гоце Делчев - цитати

Гоце Делчев - биографија

Delchev's death in NY Times

Гоце Делчев - видео

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