September 13, 2011

Bulgaria favors peace


Dissolves Macedonian Committees and Arrests Many Agitators.

SOFIA, Bulgaria, Feb. 14.—It is officially anounced that the Government has decided to dissolve the Macedonian Committees in Bulgaria and place a strong: military cordon along the Macedonian frontier, thus demonstrating Bulgaria's readiness to fulfill her international obligations.
President Michaelovski of the Central Macedonian Committee, Gen. Zoutchef the Vice President; President Stantcheff of the Sarafoff Macedonian Committee and many others have been arrested.
M. Danew, the Premier, announced in the Sobranje (National Assembly) today the measures which led to the arrest of the chief officers of. the Macedonian Committees, and added that the offices of the Central Macedonian Committee had been seized and all the papers there confiscated. He said the dissolution of the Macedonian Committees in the provinces has been accomplished without opposition.
Macedonians have, been summoned to a mass meeting tomorrow to protest against the action of the Government and to demand the release of the prisoners.

February 15, 1903 The New York Times

Boris Sarafov in newspapers

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