January 22, 2013

Macedonians Will Rise

Revolutionist Chiefs Decide on Rebellion on.April 1.

Gen. Michaikowsky Is Told That Diplomacy Will Probably Aid the Rebels.

BERLIN, Jan. 12.—Tlfe chiefs of the Macedonian revolutionary movement in . Bulgaria have decided, according: to a special dispatches from Sofia to the Vossiche Zeitungr, to begin an insurrection April 1. Gen. Michaikowsky, President of the Macedonian Central Committee, recently, assembled thirty representatives of the Macedonian provincial organizations and various other influential revolutionists and submitted to them a report of the results of his visits to Vienna, Paris and London.

At each place he was told that revolution and diplomacy must run parallel. Let the Macedonians first strike for their own independence and diplomacy might help j later. He advised a rising April 1 and the s meeting clamorously supported the proposition.

Boris Sarafoff, the Macedonian leader and former President of the Committee, is also recruiting for an invasion of Macedonia.

January 13,1903 The New York Times

Boris Sarafov in newspapers

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