September 19, 2009

Terror In Macedonia

THE BALKANS: Terror In Macedonia - Time, Monday, Jul. 16, 1945

Premier Marshal Tito last week charged that Greek forces had fired across the Yugoslav frontier in an effort "to provoke us." Thousands of Macedonians, he said, had escaped into Yugoslavia to escape Greek terrorism. "Our soldiers," Tito added, "have not replied with a single shot." At the same time Moscow, which last week reported similar atrocities from Macedonia, announced that the National Front Government of Federal Macedonia had protested to the Yugoslav Government that "fascist" Greek organizations, supported by units of the Greek Army, were carrying on a reign of terror. The Macedonian organization, said Tass, official Russian news agency, described the terror as comparable in savagery to "the most horrible in the times of Turkish enslavement."

To similar reports a week ago Greek cabinet members replied: "Malicious propaganda. . . ."

Were the Greeks clearing Macedonia of everyone who is not a Greek citizen? Or was the Government of Marshal Tito, which long ago included part of Macedonia in its plans for a federated Yugoslavia, preparing to carry out its plans? It was still too soon to say. But there was little doubt that terror of one kind or another was sweeping Macedonia.

Source Time

1 comment:

  1. "...Дали Грците ja чистеа Македонија од секој кој не е грчки граѓанин? Или Владата на Маршал Тито, која одамна вклучи дел од Македонија во федерацијата Југославија, се подготвуваше да ги изврши своите планови? Сеуште беше премногу рано да се каже. Но, немаше сомнеж дека теророт од еден или друг вид ја бришеше Македонија."
