September 14, 2009

Харилаос Трикоупис и Македонија

Харилаос Трикоупис - Премиер на Грција 7 пати меѓу 1875-1895 г.

Charilaos Trikoupis must have known that there would be subsequent wars over Macedonian territory following its eventual freedom from the Ottoman Empire, particularly given that he set the Greek policies for territorial expansions - it was he who set the designs for the eventual occupation for Macedonia.

He made this clear in his speech in 1886 in the Greek Parliament, stating that "...Greece would never achieve complete national statehood without Macedonia".

Charilaos Trikoupis also foretold what the Greek state had in mind for Macedonia and its people saying “When the Great War comes, Macedonia will become Greek or Bulgarian, according to who wins. If it is taken by the Bulgarians, they will make the population Slavs. If we take it, we will make all of them Greeks”.

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