December 20, 2009

Come take a ride in Tito´s time Machine 18

Come take a ride in Tito´s time Machine – Part 18 - Macedonian Leaders Murdered

Risto Stefov

December 14, 2009

If we "must" believe that Josip Broz Tito (May 7, 1892 - May 4, 1980), the Yugoslav dictator, along with the Communists, "invented" the Macedonians then we must also believe that Tito possessed a "Time Machine" because in this series of articles we will show you that the Macedonians existed way before Tito´s time.

It was still dark when I got up this morning but none the less I was determined to be at the secret site as early as possible just in case the team had decided to go on another early mission. To my dismay, when I arrived the Delorean was gone; it had again disappeared. I couldn´t understand what had happened but this time I was determined to find out. I parked myself out of sight in the bushes in the darkness and waited for dawn to break. It was peaceful and quiet in the forest with the occasional bird call and the sounds of insects.

It seemed like hours had passed as the first rays of the sun cut through the trees, illuminating and warming the dense bush in the forest.

Ah, there it was! I caught a glimpse of the Delorean as it crossed time barriers only to appear and disappear from my world. I was certain the schedule was changed and the team was now leaving much earlier than usual. But why? And how could I find out when?

As I sat there hidden in the brush contemplating my dilemma I witnessed the Delorean appear and disappear several times. This is unusual, I thought, the team usually goes on two to three missions and occasionally on a fourth mission in a single day. But today I witnessed the Delorean appear and disappear three times already and it´s not even noon! What´s going on?

Just as I was thinking of leaving and going home, I heard the Delorean´s engines power down. I quietly and quickly peeked through the brush only to see the team leaving. I could see that Tito was not well as Marty and Doc carried his arms over their shoulders. As usual TrueMacedonian was last to leave and, not to disappoint me, tossed something behind him.

I kept my eye on the rolling object making sure to note its point of rest. I then looked at the team leaving and saw TrueMacedonian waving goodbye. That rascal knows I am here and is toying with me!

Just as the team disappeared on the horizon I bolted out and quickly picked up the rolled-up ball TrueMacedonian had tossed and began to unravel it. It contained four pieces of paper. They were newspaper clippings of today´s missions. The first one read:


Emigrating to America – Atrocities Still Going on in Turkey.

BELGRADE, March 18. – Six hundred Macedonian emigrants left here to-day for the United States by way of Feume.

All of them possessed sufficient funds to permit their entering into the United States.

Although the Turkish Government reports the conditions of the Macedonian valyets to be ´tranquil´, it appears that, after all the efforts of the powers and the elaborate measures taken by the foreign gendarmerie officers, the condition of the Christian population is very little better than it was two years ago.

On Feb. 28 Bulgaria addressed a ´note verbale´ to the Ottoman Commissariat, calling attention on the suffering inflicted on the Bulgarians in Salonika and Monastir Provinces by Greek bands and by Turkish officials and troops.

The note gave details regarding a series of atrocities perpetrated by Greek bands in recent times, including numerous cases of assassinations, arson, and pillage. Among the instances cited was an attack on the village of Bernek, where nine men and one woman were killed, others wounded and five houses burned: the burning of the village of Poutouros, where two men and one woman were murdered and two children committed to the flames; the burning of the village of Tzernitchani, and the series of exploits by the famous Capitan Panayoti, including the plundering of the village of Iveeni, from which twelve of the principle inhabitants were carried away and subsequently put to death." (New York Times, March 19, 1906)

Missing a title, the second article read;

VIENNA, July 18. – The Porte has already made choice of three prelates for the vacant Macedonian bishoprics. They are Monsignor Theodosius for Uskab, Monsignor Sinessius for Ochrida and Monsignor Jusma for Kossovo. All three are Macedonians who have never lived in Bulgaria nor concerned themselves with politics.

The principle semi-official journals of the Greek Government, that is the Palingenesis, the Nea Ephemeris, and the Acropolis, are warmly protesting against the appointment of Bulgarian bishops in Macedonia. They say these bishops cannot be tolerated by the side of the Greek bishops, as Macedonia is the very core of Hellenism, and the whole future of Greece depends on its being able some day to annex that province. It is said in diplomatic circles that these complaints are producing in Constantinople quite a contrary effect to that which the writers desire.

The Austrian and German Ambassadors at Constantinople have communicated an identical note to the Porte, in which they complain of the capture by brigands of the two Austrian engineers, Messrs. Mejor and Gersen and request that stringent measures may be taken to protect foreigners employed on public works in Turkey from similar misadventures. Herr Mejor was released 24 hours after his capture in order that he might fetch 1,000 pounds of the ransom demanded and make arrangements for the payment of the rest. The money was given to him by the local agents of the railway contractors, but on arriving at the place where he was to meet the brigands he found that the whole band had been scared away by the Turkish soldiers having begun a premature pursuit. The consequence of this blunder is that the brigands have now carried away Herr Gerson into the mountains." (The New York Times, July 19, 1890)

The third article read;



(From our correspondent).

SOFIA, September 15. – Todor Alexanderoff, the Macedonian leader, was assassinated on August 31 by Macedonian opponents who had lately come under Bolshevist influence.

News has been received at the Bulgarian Legation that Aleko Pash and Colonel Athanasoff, two prominent members of the Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, have been murdered at Gorna Jumaya, in South-Western Bulgaria. At the same time two leaders of the Macedonian Federalists have been killed in Sofia.

Todor Alexandroff who was born in 1882, was one of the most picturesque leaders in the Balkans. He began life as a school master but soon forsook this profession for the more war like one of komitaji (political brigand). He took part in the continuous struggle which the Macedonians waged against the Turks, but in 1913 his health gave away and he went to France. During the European War he belonged to the Macedonian Division which operated against the allies on the Struma front and worked for the Germans as a spy. After the war he sank into comparative obscurity, but when the Treaty of Neuilly was signed, in November, 1919, dividing the greater part of Macedonia between Yugoslavia and Greece, Alexandroff resumed his crusade for an autonomous Macedonia. Together with General Protogeroff and Peter Chauleff, Alexandroff directed the policy of the Revolutionary Organization, and roamed the countryside to keep the revolutionary spirit alive.

Possessed of a most magnetic presence, Alexandroff, as the writer knew him, was the type of fanatical patriot who would stop at nothing to achieve his goal – the creation of an autonomous Macedonia. He had undoubtedly been responsible for many assassinations and it is therefore not to be wondered at that he himself came to a violent end.

It is too early to say what the effect of his death would be, but General Protogeroff is likely to take his place as revolutionary leader.

An account of an interview between Todor Alexandroff and a correspondent, which took place a month ago in the mountains of Macedonia, will be found on p. 9." (The New York Times, September 16, 1924)

The fourth article read;



(From a Correspondent.)

In August I had a nocturnal interview with Alexandroff in the mountains of Macedonia in a spot some distance from the Bulgarian frontier, where we were surrounded by Komitajis armed to the teeth. I was anxious to find out to what extent the Macedonian Revolutionary was in alliance with the Bolshevists, who had announced in their organ, La Federation Balkanique, which is published in Vienna, that the Macedonian chiefs had signed a manifesto strongly supporting the policy of the Soviet for the overthrow of all existing Balkan Governments. It was reported that two at least of the Macedonian Triumvirate, Alexanderoff and Protogueroff had denounced this manifesto referred to in the Times of August 5 and 6, as a forgery, and the only means of obtaining definite information on this point was to get it from Alexandroff himself.

In reply to my question, the Macedonian leader said: -

I declare that I did not sign either the manifesto published in La Federation Balkanique and attributed by that review to the Central Committee of the Macedonian Organization, nor have I signed any other similar documents. If my signature is at the bottom, of this manifesto, it is false; Protogeroff also affirms that he has not signed this manifesto. We have no desire to struggle against European capitalism, which does not concern us. The Organization has only one aim: the liberation of Macedonia. And as long as I am alive, and as long as I am at the head of the Organization, I shall not allow the Organization to fall away from this its fundamental and only aim and to become an instrument for aims which are strange to it. The Organization has nothing in common with Communism and Bolshevism.

I do not deny the fact that the Bolshevists have tried several times to win over the Organization and in every occasion it is they who have taken the initiative in negotiating. It was after an order received from Moscow that the Bulgarian Communist Press ceased to attack us in 1922, although we did not ask anyone to spare us the attacks of the Communist papers.

In 1923 the Soviet agents again proposed to me to begin negotiations. I then put the following conditions as an essential preliminary to the negotiations; The dissolution of Pandurski´s Communist band, the suppression of the Macedonian Communist paper Osvobojdenje, and the dissolution of the Communist organization of the Macedonian émigrés. My ultimatum was accepted and fully executed in August, 1923, but in September of the same year there was the rising of the Agrarians and Communists in Bulgaria and I had declared to the Communists that I consider all risings and coup d´etat complicated the already difficult position in Bulgaria, and were injurious and inadmissible. In the name of the Organization I informed the Communists that the independence of Bulgaria was extremely dear to me and as a Communist coup d´etat would threaten this independence, the Organization would be obliged to consider every attempt to overthrow the existing Government and to substitute for it a Government of Communists and Agrarians as a blow to the independence of Bulgaria, and that consequently it will begin a direct and pitiless struggle with the authors of such attempts, and will deal with them as it deals with all its enemies. It will be understood that after such a declaration negotiations could not be continued.


But I do not deny that in our Organization there are ´Left´ elements who invariably say that during five years we have not been able to obtain anything from the League of Nations, Paris, or London, and that consequently we must try and come into an agreement with Moscow. Under the influence of the ´Left´, but, again, on the initiatives of the Soviet representatives in Vienna, negotiations were began in 1924. The representative of the Soviet of Moscow put as a condition for an agreement with us the consent of the Organization to the ´Sovietizing´ of Bulgaria and Macedonia. We replied that this condition was unacceptable to us and negotiations ceased. Since then they have not again been resumed.

In London I did not see Rakovski, and I did not sign any agreement with him. Information concerning this agreement probably comes from the same origin as the manifesto.

I repeat that, as long as I remain at the head of the Organization, the latter will fight by all means against Bolshevism, which, in my opinion, is greatly injurious to the national Macedonian movement. And again, a few days ago, I informed the Bulgarian Communists, in the name of the Organization, that the Organization will not permit a Communist coup d´etat in Bulgaria.

But I must say that the situation in Macedonia becomes intolerable. From the memorandum which the Organization will present to the League of Nations in September, Europe will be able to convince itself that the Serbian and Greek regimes are worse than the Turkish. For the Serbian and Greek regimes by their cruelty, illegality, and violence surpass anything that can be imagined. As long as these continue and as long as Macedonia is governed by barbarous methods, the Organization will not desist from its armed struggle; on the contrary, its struggle will be increased. But we shall willingly put aside our arms and begin a political and cultural existence as soon as the necessary conditions for free political and cultural development are guaranteed to the Macedonian population.


Our requests are very modest. We do not want the dissolution of Yugoslavia; we desire that Yugoslavia becomes a Federal, free and strong State. And in the name of the Organization I formally declare that the Organization will cease its armed struggle if the following conditions are fulfilled: -

1. The dissolution of subsidized Serbian official bands of Stoyan Micheff, Zikleff and other traitors throughout Macedonia and the prosecution of the members of these bands for the crimes which they have committed (rape, assassinations and brigandage).

2. The application of the clauses included in the Peace Treaty for the defense of the rights of National Minorities under the control of the League of Nations and under the guarantee of the Great Powers.

3. An amnesty of all arrested Macedonians and the permission to return to Macedonia the refugees and émigrés also under the control of the League of Nations and the guarantee of the Great Powers.

4. The liberty of elections in the Skupshtina and the granting of the Macedonians to the right to form legal political parties.

These are our fundamental requests, and if our demands are executed in a strict, loyal, and honest manner, we engage ourselves to put aside our arms and to cease our armed struggle.

We also insist in the same way as other people included in Yugoslavia in the reconstruction of Yugoslavia into a federal state in which Macedonia would enter as a member of the Federation on equal rights with other members of the Yugoslav Federation. Taking into consideration the inevitable decomposition in the near future of Greece we ask the incorporation of the Autonomous Macedonia of the Macedonian territory which is now under the Greek dominion. When all the above conditions are sincerely and honestly executed the part of Macedonia which is in the hands of Bulgaria must also be incorporated into the Autonomous Macedonia. I am convinced that it is only in this way and acting as I have indicated that it will be possible to avoid Bolshevism in the Balkan Peninsula, that peace will be insured in the Balkans, and that a strong and durable Yugoslavia will be created. The duty of the Western European Democracies, in which we still have faith, is to save Macedonia from death and the Macedonian population from destruction, or, which is the same thing, from Bolshevism." (The New York Times, September 16, 1924)

I never liked Todor Aleksandrov (Alexandroff), I felt he was too close and too chummy for my comfort with the Bulgarians but I do like what he was proposing; an Autonomous Macedonia; a Macedonia for the Macedonians. I like that!

Just as I finished reading the last article, I could see some handwriting, lightly written in pencil, at the bottom of the piece of paper. It said, "Meet me here at midnight tonight."

To be continued.

Other articles by Risto Stefov:

Many thanks to TrueMacedonian from for his contribution to this article.

You can contact the author at

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