iGENEA has specialized in the genetic origins of Europeans and can now genetically define numerous historical indigenous peoples. By indigenous peoples, we refer here to people groups from Antiquity who are defined not only by their own language, culture and history but also by their own DNA-profile. What is important is not the common linguistic ancestry or the historical-anthropological categorization, but the individual genetic characteristics of a people.
The following results for the indigenous people have been gathered for the west Balkan states: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro.
The results best speak for them selves and they are as follows:
For the complete list click: Genetic makeup of the Balkans.
ReplyDeleteDr Zlatko Jakovski
Geneticist, Skopje Institute of forensic medicine, criminology and medical deonthology
If you stumble on Slavic Macedonist generated propaganda you might have come across some results generated by iGENEA over a decade ago. What the slav pseudo-Macedonians from North Macedonia (former FYROM) claim with this is that they are direct descendants of ancient Macedonians.
These particular DNA results were that North Macedonia (FYROM) population consisted of:
30% antic Macedonians
20% Teutons
15% Slavs
15% Hellenic people
10% Illyrian
5% Hunnian
5% Phoenician
If one looks carefully, one would get a good laugh, especially when looking at the second bullet: 20% Teuton!! But laughs aside, pseudo-Macedonians from North Macedonia (FYROM) have been using this information to claim their descendence from the ancient Macedonians, even though this Company is more of a private ‘marketing’ company rather than a reputable research institute that publishes peer reviewed papers. But anyway, let us make a few points:
iGENEA refers to antic Macedonia, not ancient. What does this mean? iGENEA did NOT claim that the modern Slavic inhabitants of North Macedonia (former FYROM) were related to the ancient Greek tribe of Macedonians of Alexander the Great from northern Greece. The company merely found ancient genetic markers (more likely “Paeonian”) in the geographic region of North Macedonia (FYROM), which they named “antic Macedonian”, only because the country calls itself “Macedonia” and iGENEA considered it to be politically correct to make use of the constitutional name of the country!!
The Company admitted their mistake and decided to remove data about North Macedonia (FYROM) from their website. They also said the following on their website:
“Many nations [FYROMians] keep names [“Macedonia”] that do not totally fit their ethnic composition”. Roman C. Scholz, iGENEA.
“Data has been removed because it is not useful for genetic genealogy”
“Today’s ‘Macedonians’ [FYROMians] are a political folk, NOT genetic.” Inma Pazos, iGENEA, 26.06.2008