December 19, 2011

The New York Times - April 7 1901


All the Leading Members of the Committee Arrested in Sofia and Their Meeting Place Closed.

SOFIA, April 6.—All the leading members of the Macedonian Committee here, including: Sarafoff, were arrested last night.
The building in which the committee met has been seated up.
The revolutionary movement among the Macedonians is the indirect result of the war between Turkey and Greece. The Macedonians, finding that the revolution in Crete was at least partially successful, determined to engage in active measures to secure their own independence, and their j proceedings have recently been viewer with the greatest alarm by the powers.
It is said that only the action of Russia, Austria, and Great Britain has prevented an outbreak in Macedonia. The gravity of the situation has been increased by the fact that the majority of the people of Bulgaria, the capital of which country' is the headquarters of the committee, are deeply sympathetic with the movement, and have been supplying the Macedonians with arms and ammunition. The Bulgarian Government has taken various measures to check the work of the committee, but Prince Ferdinand and his advisers apparently hesitated to take a firm stand until the arrest's on Friday. It was openly said that the Bulgarian authorities did not dare to suppress the committee, but this claim is now shown to have been boastful.
The Turkish forces in Macedonia and along the Bulgarian frontier have recently been greatly increased, and there have been unverified rumors of terrible atrocities on the part of the Turkish soldiery.
The objects of the Macedonian Committee, as stated in a memorial to the powers issued in January, 1899, are as follows:
The formation of a province, with Salonika as the capital, and comprising the already existing: Vilayets of Salonika, Monastir, and Uskub.
The nomination as Governor General for five years of a person belonging to the predominant nationality of the province.
The formation of a General Assembly composed of representatives elected directly by the people.
The guarantee of personal liberty and inviolability of domicile for all the inhabitants of the province without distinction. Suppression or the press censorship.
All officials to be chosen from among the seotion of the population predominating in the locality of their service.
The recognition of the principal languages of the province on the same rooting as the Turkish language.
The different Christian nationalities to organize their own schools.
General amnesty for all political prisoners and migrants.
Identical reforms in the Vilayet of Adrianople.
M. Sarafoff, one of those arrested on Friday night, is apaprently the new Bulgarian Minister of the Interior. It is said that he is an ex-President of the Macedonian Committee. The arrest of the members of the committee is even more in the nature of a surprise than it would have been three months ago, as it was expected that the new Ministry would deal very leniently with them. The Vecherna Pochta, the principal organ of the committee, hailed with delight the appointment of the new Cabinet.

The New Уork Times

Published: April 7, 1901 The New York Times

Boris Sarafov in newspapers

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